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CircularSeekBar is a circular progress bar/seek bar android library that supports animations, dashes and gradients.

Jan 21, 2024

PleaseWait is a lightweight library that can be used as a replacement for now-deprecated


  • Supports Material 2 and the latest Material 3 design
  • Both determinate and indeterminate progress modes
  • Both circular and linear progress bars
  • Follows Dark and Light modes automatically
  • Adapts to your app's theme colors
  • Retains state between orientation changes
  • Smooth Material animations and transitions
  • Lightweight and Easy to implement
Jan 14, 2024

A staged progressbar that you can use if you want finer control of the steps in between its stages. You can customize:

  • Number of steps between particular stages
  • Look and feel of tracks and thumbs (stages)
  • Direction and Orientation of the bar
  • Animation speed (or even type in Compose)
Jan 14, 2024

LoadingView is a customizable view for displaying a loading animation consisting of multiple dots. This library provides a simple and easy-to-use interface for creating and controlling a loading animation, and allows customization of the dot count, size, spacing, and colors.

Jan 10, 2024

A customizable progressbar component can be used in onboarding screens for Jetpack Compose.

Jan 7, 2024

ArcProgressbar lets to create Arc progress-bar in the simplest way.

Jan 26, 2022

Beautiful progress bar with segments. Highly customizable. Fully written with Jetpack Compose.

Jan 16, 2022

Using the RoundedProgressBar library you can easily create beautiful progress bars with individually rounded corners, animating progress text and more!

Jan 8, 2022

Sometimes, it's felt trouble to deal with Loading / Progress popup in app as it causes extra boilerplate code (adding XML code + View Inflation + Instance creation for showing or hiding and-so-forth).

This library will be helpful in those cases because it needs just a singleton configuration instance once which will be reusable to show and hide from anywhere (Both Activity or Fragment) just using a single line of code like - LoadingPopup.showLoadingPopUp() and LoadingPopup.hideLoadingPopUp()

Jan 7, 2022

It is a Profile Image View with percentage progress developed in Kotlin. It is a highly customizable view that offers multiple attributes for creating either dash or continuous progress view around profile image based on your requirements.

Jan 3, 2022

A simple bar View that can compare things, like statistics of a Football match.

Apr 23, 2021

An Instagram-like stories segmented progress bar.

Mar 8, 2021

Horizontal Progress View with Tile Animation.

Dec 13, 2020

A Kotlin based adjustable custom view to show percentage.

Nov 28, 2020

A polyline determinated ProgressBar written in Kotlin.

Sep 28, 2020

AG Skeleton Loading is a library to provide a easy way to include skeleton loading.

May 18, 2020

A custom progress dialog library written in Kotlin.

Types of Progress Bar

  • BARS
  • BALL
  • CUBE
Mar 23, 2020

Pie Progress is a type of circular progress view similar to the one that you can find in iOS devices while updating applications. It's a simple to use library where the progress gets updated by passing values to a single method.

Dec 29, 2019

Android Google Style Loading Animation Library.

Dec 22, 2019

KLoadingSpin is an alternative to progressDialog used widely in android.

Aug 31, 2019

A simple and flexible Fill Progress Layout written in Kotlin.

Aug 30, 2019

A polished and flexible ProgressView, fully customizable with animations.

Aug 28, 2019

A custom view for android with circular step progress level.

Aug 27, 2019

It's a library which provide easy to use progress bar, progress can be changed to success or failure state depending on operation result.

Aug 4, 2019

A progress bar library for Android that provides customized progress bars with different designs.

Jul 23, 2019

A simple customizable Triangle Seekbar.

Jul 20, 2019

A horizontal progress bar shrinking with time; similar to Bandersnatch choice interface.

Jun 30, 2019

StepProgressBar is a progress bar to display steps easily.

May 12, 2019

A Java-based easy to use and highly adjustable custom view that displays the progress of a single given task.
Please feel free to see the library in action in a showcase app available on Google play.

Apr 1, 2019

A material style progress wheel that you can integrate into your app.

Mar 25, 2019